♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hiiii! I'm Allison! I can be your best friend and I can be your worst enemy. (;

Friday, May 28, 2010


I find myself quite the idiot sometimes. Okay no, All the time. :\
Why do i care about things that i dont have to?
Why do i give a damn about things that isnt bothering anyone else, but me?
Why is that i tend to worry about the wrong things at the wrong time?
Distracions are bullshit. i feel as though something caught me and the next thing i know, the worries before were taken over by this 1 thing/single worry.

kk, town today with bao, my legs are like literally breaking cuz i was in heels. heyhey not evey girl can tahan wearing heels to shop yeah. :> Bao got me a longchamp that made me like (Y) onlyy, hehe. He always trys to give what i want. ♥ & i bought two dresses too. 've been longgg since i updated hurr. So sorry, i have a boring life. ): kkz imma crash now, awfully tired. bye~


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