♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hiiii! I'm Allison! I can be your best friend and I can be your worst enemy. (;

Friday, December 17, 2010

8more days to christmasss. The aura of christmassy feeling damn strong. Gna buy presents for my baoo soon! He doesn't celebrate christmas at all, and last year he celebrated with me for the 1st time! And this year I'm gna get him some prezzzies cos I really owe him alot and this is a good time to give so that he'll accept it willingly. HAHA. Ok la. Everytime when I get for him stuffs he'll be like the coww which jumped over the moon. I want to be my baby's littlee pixiegirl first. HAHA. Not santa yet. I'm not taitai yet. ):

Okk! I bth the smell of barbeque, i can smell but can't eat. I realize when I eat, esp when I'm like v v hungry and I'm v v late. I srsly cannot maintain. Like I ate economic beehoon w other chapalangs(yumz) for breakfast/lunch, the beehoon machiam wna run away from getting eaten by me. ): Anyhow fly all over my mouth. Ok la, idk what I'm saying also, Time for me to sleep!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It's been long while since i've blog. And ever wondered why you can't find me on facebook? Yupp i deactivated it. And nope I'm still alive and kickin' with my Matchyboy. :) I have twitter though!
I've been wasting my time away for the past few months, almost a year already! Not even working now. :( This is so dissapointing. Whatever happens in my life now is just like a daily basis can.

However, I'm glad I have my boy. Who's always there for me like everyday?! My life seems to really revolve around only him. This is not goooodd. What will I do when he goes for army?! Ok la it's ok laa. On a lighter note. I'm going to shopshopshop when I get my $$ from daddy. And next month I'll be going on a cruise with my pignose. So excited, cos we'll be going there as a VIP lehhhh. I need to renew my passport!!! :( Suppose to go malaysia also can't! Wdff. Moii is a poor girl, sobx.

Ok, I like to paragraph my posts so that it doesn't look so chunky, but it still does, does it? Ohmy, it's 7.56 already! I'm thinkg if I should sleep. Sighhhh. My life suxxxxx. Goodbyeee, I'll blog soon I hope!